» Paris Van Java Mall
Paris Van Java is another mall. Located on JL SUKAJADI – when you exit from PASTEUR exit toll gate, on the second cross just turn right, its 1 km from there. . Previously it was shaded street with big trees where resident area (old but fine Dutch style) for many rich people – some trees are still there but the area are start to change its function as business area, mostly restaurants & factory outlets . Even though they are SOGO (first in BDG), Carrefour, and some boutiques with high brand, they focusing more on creating cozy hang out atmosphere. So many many cafés and restaurants are opened, big & modern cinema called BLITZMEGAPLEX (I think they are nine theaters) with WIFI are there. It’s like CILANDAK Town Square – two times larger. Instead of closed fully air conditioned, they build semi open air complex.

Last time I was there, there is open stage from ARDAN Radio on the upper ground parking area, which is still very visible from many cafés in the surrounding. Seems obvious that they targeting young people and young families – middle up of course.
It still not fully operation, many places are still under construction (now a days, construction and business are synergizing very well – time is money) but traffic on JL SUKAJADI was jammed heavily already. Obviously they targeting on young people and middle up young family. Lousy picture from my creepy phone's camera.
For more information visit : www.parijsvanjava.com
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