The historical site of Dutch manmade and Japanese World War II caves on the ridge of north mountain of Bandung. Nice place to walk during the weekend. You can reach Maribaya from here, through Pine Forest and crossing the Gua Belanda. Dago Ciburial is also a god place to see Bandung from high view. Ciburial is also home for many good restaurants. Try to come at night to see Bandung city light down there.
Goa Jepang
Goa Belanda
Curug Omas located in tourist locations Maribaya, Lembang, from Dago Pakar, we can get to curug Ciomas with distance less than 5 km. With a considerable distance away, you can get for your own satisfaction that is a hobby with nature adventure. This tourist attraction offers the charm of the waterfall and the surrounding natural beauty, Direct air freshness was so we entered the tourist areas, it is commonly used by visitors to sit or lay down on the mat for rent in many tourist areas.But not only offers fresh air, you will find a waterfall as high as 30 meters there. Waterfalls roar came from the surrounding area, inspire us to approach him. There is provided a bridge just above the waterfall, making it easier for us to enjoy the view from the top of the waterfall. You can indulge for a moment to enjoy the ear waterfalls roar, pamper the eyes with a look at a rainbow that often arise.

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jika anda kebandung anda perlu mengunjungi tempat ini karena pesona alam di sini sangat lau biasa
BalasHapusHalo salam kenal ..
BalasHapustulisannya baguss !
btw masih suka nulis tentang bandung ga ??